Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fun Playing With Thanksgiving Food

This is the obligatory Thanksgiving post. We enjoyed a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner at friends'; Bob made lots of brown-and-serve dinner rolls, so we'd have plenty for sandwiches later.


 Rolls Risen and Formed into Rolls


On Thanksgiving Day, I prepped our cranberry sauce so it could chill overnight:

Bob and I have created our own tradition of our own roasted turkey on the Friday after Thanksgiving. This year, as last, our bird came from the Breychak Farm. This was our first year roasting a heritage bird - a Bourbon Red - and we may never go back to a broad breasted white!

Our 17# Bourbon Red


We learned this year that a heritage bird changes everything. We generally eschew stuffing because, well, stuffing is evil. Actually - my mom never stuffed her turkey. And the one year that my sister decided to make stuffing for the family feast - it had nuts in it, and my poor boyfriend at the time, who was violently allergic to nuts, reacted, well with violent allergy.

Aromatics for the turkey cavity

Bob had already stuffed the rosemary into the bird by the time I snapped this. Note the cassia bark; much better flavored than cheap "cinnamon" sticks that really aren't. And our garden Garlic Chives.

Turkey Porn

A "between the legs" shot of the aromatics - yummy farmers' market apple!

We decided to use the above pictured rub instead of making our own. Delicious!

Rubbed Up and Ready for Action

We started the bird at about 450 degrees - but I turned it down when I smelled something burning. After an hour around 400 - we turned it down to 325 and let the instant read thermometer do its thing!

Delightful Dinner Libation

Fully Rested and Ready for Love

The Heck With Love - Dinner is Served!


Slices of Breast Meat

OMG! We've enjoyed non-heritage, locally raised birds before, but nothing like this. Just like our Berkshire Hog - this birdie featured a built-in basting system. Beneath the layer of crispy skin was a layer of beautiful fat, which kept the breast meat (which was of course proportional to the rest of the bird) incredibly moist. Yum!


Marvelous. Simply Marvelous.

 This was the best turkey we've ever tasted. A touch of gaminess. Huge hits of flavor and mouthfeel, from both the white and dark meat. Moist, delicious meat. Crispy skin. Creamy fat. Here's a photo from the next dinner, when Bob made gravy:

And what's the only thing better than a turkey dinner? Leftovers made into sandwiches!


We had much fun playing with our Thanksgiving food this year! An amazing heritage turkey from Kathy Breychak; wonderful friends and food for the holiday proper.

We are truly blessed, and thankful for all of the good things we have.