Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fun Playing With Salmon & the First Fruits of the 2015 Gardening Season

Due to Bob's ongoing medical issues, it doesn't look like we will have a garden this year. So, we are making up for it my availing ourselves of the abundance at area farmers' markets, and so far, 2015 looks to be a great year to support your local farmer!

We've also been eating a lot of Alaskan salmon since the season started at the end of May. Copper River Season is almost over! We've been able to score the real deal, sold so fresh it doesn't need anything but a little salt and pepper and a light rub of EVOO before cooking, at Kate's Fish (West Side Market), Mister Brisket, and BayLobsters Fish Market and Cafe (Twinsburg). But we've also enjoyed other Alaskan salmon (from these same three purveyors) that has also made us very happy this spring.

Alaskan King Salmon from Mister Brisket

Alaskan Salmon from Mister Brisket,  Asparagus Risotto
Same fish, same day, but wanted to show you the Asparagus Risotto I made.

Salmon Salad, On the Rise Bakery roll

The above salmon became salmon salad a few days later, here is it served on a roll from On the Rise Bakery.

First Copper River Salmon
Seasoned with a tear for my late friend Dominic Cerino, who introduced Cleveland to Copper River Salmon, and who passed away two years to the day we cooked this. 

Served up with Ohio City Pasta Beet Pappardelle and Grilled FM Asparagus.

The leftovers from this salmon specimen and other OCP leftover pasta became a tasty salmon-pasta salad dinner.

Pretty sure this Copper River Sockeye also came from Mister Brisket. Served here with Ohio City Pasta, FM Asparagus, and homemade Guacamole.

Our most recent Copper River Sockeye came from BayLobsters in Twinsburg. Last night, we served it grilled, with grilled Farmers' Market potatoes, the last of this season's Farmers' Market asparagus (grilled) and grilled garlic scapes from our backyard. On the side, local lettuce topped with grilled Black Velvet Apricots brushed with butter, and a splash of exquisite aged Balsamic. 

I hope this little post encourages you to go out and play with Alaskan Salmon and local produce while the playing is good. We've been to three Farmers' Markets so far this spring, and we've had no problem getting anything we wanted at North Union Farmers' Markets at Shaker Square and Chagrin Falls, and the Geauga Fresh Market